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10 Tips To SEO


1. Page Speed; your website MUST load fast on all devices. Slow loading websites cause people to leave, and search engines don't like that. Fast loading pages makes your website more relevent, which means search engines will give it a higher level of importance.

2. Keywords and Placement; Keywords, the words people use to find the products, services, or information in search engines, need to be found in the page title of each page, the meta description, and the meta keywords tags. For Google, the meta keyword tag has been discontinued, but it's still valuable for other search engines. Avoid over-using keywords on your pages. Make sure to include the keyword for the page close to the top of the page, and within the body content of the page.

3. Page content; pages need to be information rich. Write a couple paragraphs of text on each page. As a rule of thumb don't try to create what you think a search engine wants, but just give your customers a good description of your product. Use different descriptive words that support the keywords.

4. Pictures; Use pictures but don't use too many. Add in keywords in the alt text tag describing your photo. This can help a search engine understand what the image is about. Optimizing the image also means compressing the image and saving it in a web friendly format. You don't want each page to be too large in file size due to a 300MB photo. JPG or GIF at 72 dpi usually. This will give you a smaller file size and faster page load. Most importantly, search engines will factor it into your rankings. Don't worry about pic sizes within a gallery though as long as your gallery has it's own page.

5. Video content; everyone likes video, including search engines. The top search engines even have seperate tabs for video searches. Advancements in technology have made it possible for some search engines to decifer the words being spken in video, so be sure to use keywords when you're speaking. You should also use keywords in video descriptions and titles to help search engines.

6. Links; Place links on your pages that take people to the most important pages of your website. Search engine crawlers act a lot like people, and they follow links from your pages to other pages on your website. If a search engine crawler cannot follow a link to another page on your website, it may not every know about that page and even if it does, it may not think it's an important page because there aren't fast and convenient ways to find it. e
 ages on your different pages. It tells a search engine that each page is important to somebody else and it will index it accordingly. Make your home page function like a site map but try to keep it from looking like typical boring site maps. Since it's our homepage it needs to be inviting to visitors.

A note on hosting links for others; in a general sense, it's my opinion not to allow other links like google ads and such on your own site. You will send your customers away from your site, possibly to a competitor.

7. Add your website to Google Search Console. The process places code on your website and verifies you as the owner to Google. That can help make your website more relevent and provide some information that can help ensure the site is running properly on Google's system.

8. Add Your XML Sitemap into Search Console; An XML sitemap file containing all of the url's on your website can be added to Search COnsole. This gives Google another way to find pages on your website and adds more credibility and relevence.

9. Be Careful When Changing Your Website Content! A
ny changes you make to your site will take time to take effect within search engine rankings. Most people make the mistake of making lots of changes and checking on a regular basis and not finding any changes or improvements and giving up, or hiring someone that doesn't have a clue about SEO, unlike Kevin Gannon with TheNetCorp.com who does. Make changes, but always remember to keep keywords in the content. If they aren't there, your page won't be reelvent for that phrase. In just a few short months you'll see your "keywords" rising in the search engines.

10. Site platform; use a partner like WebsiteForge, if you know nothing about the 'behind the scene' coding and what search engines like and dislike. WebsiteForge will keep this up to date for you. This by far is the biggest element, perhaps the largest factor and the average person has no control over it, only the professionals like WebsiteForge. I whole heartedly believe that WebsiteForge will help make your website succesful in the search engines and if you are successful there, you will be successful bringing the money to the bank! 


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Having A Blog On Your Web Site Is Important
April 27th, 2009 at 4:42 pm   starstarstarstarstar      

It is hard to any longer deny the importance of blogging, and its offspring, microblogging ( also known as Twittering - www.twitter.com ).


Currently, 96.6 million US Internet users read a blog at least once per month, representing 48.5% of the Internet population. By 2013, 128.2 million people, or 58% of all US users, will take part.


The numbers of bloggers is also rising. In 2009, 27.9 million US Internet users have a blog they update at least once per month, representing 14% of the Internet population. By 2013, 37.6 million will update their blogs at least monthly.

Posted in Uncategorized by Doug Marks
Terry Sachetti says:
April 29th, 2009 at 10:35 am   starstarstarstarstar      

Doug is so right about having a Blog on your site. I have some software that looks at my competitors and the links that are linked to them, which in turn helps their ranking but more importantly drives traffic to their sites.

Yes I see a lot of links to these sites from other websites and that is important too. However you would be surprised at the percentage of links to their sites that come from blogging. You need to at least have your own blog. You may say you do not know what write in your blog and there you are dead wrong. The good news is you are selling products. Each one of those products is a subject to write about; you know the pros and cons and so on. Not only will you be creating great links but links to sub-pages also.

I not only have a blogs built into my WebsiteForge sites but I have 4 other blogs. You can create other blogs at places like WordPress.com and at Blogger.com and they are all free. Yes it is a bit of work in the beginning but you get into a grove and most importantly you are going to love the traffic and the ranking.

Long story short, get blogging and blog as often as you can it is a part of your business. Look at it this way, for every posting or topic you blog about, it is like a free ad out on the web driving traffic to your site and helping you build your ranking. If you just can't do it get someone who can it will pay off big time.


The people at WebsiteForge, like Dough Marks, know what they are talking about, that is a fact you can build your site on.

Terry Sachetti

Gabriela Roman says:
May 7th, 2009 at 1:31 am   starstarstarstarstar      

I followed Doug's advice and put a blog on my WebsiteForge's site a couple days ago. I have more topics to blog about as my website is a directory for everybody. I've read a lot about blogging and it appears that many people around the world are into it.


Gabriela Roman


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