How fast 💨 is your website?
July 11th, 2018 at 1:53 pm   starstarstarstarstar      

We are your unfair advantage, here's another reason why:

We optimize, and test, then optimize some more at no extra charge!


I've talked to some SEO (Search Engine Optimization) experts and read many recent articles and the resounding replies I get, sound a lot like this:

"People need to understand that it's now a ranking factor and if their site is slow then it's going to hurt them."

Here at WebsiteForge, we stay faster than our competition to make sure our Clients stay faster than their competition.

I strongly suggest that you use a 3rd party testing tool - like to compare your site VS your competition...

And as always, feel free to reach out to us if you are not killing the competition in speed.  There is likely a very simple solution to resolve whatever is delaying loading.


We did a recent test, using some data that was provided to us by our friends over at

They have a good working friendship with one of their competitors and have done many different tests.  Over the course of the last year and a half we have poured into optimizing and updating the core elements and coding structure for optimal speed and loading times.  And this is a great example of how it's really paid off!

 3rd Party Speed Test:  Google Speed Test
Gtmetrix comparison test  Google comparison test


 You might think, well great, so they test better.  Why does that even REALLY MATTER?

Here's why!:



cookies sprinkles search result


The Competition:

Cookies Sprinkles search result for competitor



 If you are ready to take your website to the next level, contact us.
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