Do you really need an Android Or iPhone application for your e-commerce web site?
June 22nd, 2011 at 12:07 pm   starstarstarstarstar      

Have you considered a "Mobile" version of your web site?


Keep these things in mind:


  • Do you really need a specialized application just to let people to browse your site?
  • Are you ready to spend lots of money building, upgrading and supporting a mobile application? 
  • What exactly isn't working when people browse your web site from a mobile device?  Tablet, phone, etc...

If you have valid responses to these questions.  Definitely contact me or post a comment. Otherwise -- Website Forge web sites are already designed to work on most mobile devices.  Ipad, Android, Xoom, etc...


So there really is no need to spend the extra money.


That being said -- if you DO need a mobile application.... We  build those too!


Hope this is helpful.  Looking forward to comments!


Shane Merem

E-commerce web site design

Kevin Brown says:
June 22nd, 2011 at 12:56 pm   starstarstarstarstar      

Shane, I agree with your post I have had 

Customers ask for a mobile

In the last week about 4 of them. Online payments from there iPhones .

Doug Marks says:
June 22nd, 2011 at 1:08 pm   starstarstarstarstar      

All WebsiteForge websites informational and ecommerce sites with shopping carts work for me using my Andriod, IPhone, Xoom and IPad Tablets. They all look like small versions of the site and work great. I see a lot of websites that don't cause they are not using the WebsiteForge technology and they are losing a lot of business. The mobile devices are the rage and more people are getting away from using their computer and are strictly using their mobile device instead.


Doug Marks

E-commerce web site design

1-888-558-2446 x208

CLR Marine says:
June 22nd, 2011 at 1:34 pm   starstarstarstarstar      


I have to agree, CLR Marine works pretty darn good on my Droid.

June 22nd, 2011 at 1:36 pm   starstarstarstarstar      

I have my site on my IPhone and IPad and have no problems, it's just like my site on the computer.

Jamie says:
June 22nd, 2011 at 1:38 pm   starstarstarstarstar      

Re-sizing the pages to fit inside of a mobile browser isn't quite the functionality I think many of us are looking for.  While it does "work," it is not very intuitive.  Many other e-comm services offer mobile sites as part of their packages, the versions they offer are optimized for mobile browsers not just resized.

Brian Shockley says:
June 22nd, 2011 at 3:58 pm   starstarstarstarstar      

In in the next few weeks the websiteforge e-commerce platform will be fully functional as a .mobi site. will be testing this .mobi function.


This is exciting news for ALL of us who are Websiteforge e-commerce customers.


The Websiteforge e-commerce platform will sense the handheld operating system like the android operating system and the Apple operating system and other mobil operating systems and adapt the websiteforge site that is being visited by the handheld device to fit on the Mobil platform that is being used by the customer.


This is very exciting for all of us! It is the beta testing mode as we speak. :)


I would advise all of you to go and buy your domain rights to your .mobi address right now.


Stay tuned for more exciting e-commerce innovations from Websiteforge.

Linda Williams says:
June 28th, 2011 at 12:43 pm   starstarstarstarstar      

My website works very well with my Droid2 phone.  Our home page is interactive, but sometimes you just need it to be bigger in order to 'play' with the sample colors.  As much as we all like the convenience of our mobile devices, there are always people who like to view the website in 'large' living color.

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