WebsiteForge offers a feature called "Save Cart" for your Website
February 13th, 2018 at 11:44 am   starstarstarstarstar      

We are your unfair advantage, here's another reason why:



It's quick and easy to enable the option for your clients to have a saved shopping cart in the WebsiteForge system!


This feature is so nice for those users that like to take their time with their shopping experience.  They can save the cart come back later and checkout with ease.  According to Kissmetrics, having this option on your website can help reduce shopping cart abandanment.


There are many reasons users will add an item to the cart and come back later.  If you are not offering this feature there are plenty of your competitors that are and most likely they are closing more sales because of it.  With this option and the Automated Abandoned Cart Email you are going to be a power house in reducing your abandoned carts for sure!

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