Solution to the "Never Ending INBOX"! - Shane Merem - Website Forge
September 12th, 2008 at 5:09 pm   starstarstarstarstar      

Can't seem to ever clear out your email inbox???


I get well over a hundred emails a day (not including spam).  Probably closer to 200.  Like me .. I know many of you struggle to get everything done -- but your inbox always seems to have unhandled email...


Do you ever feel like you can never get the CURRENT things in your INBOX done because you are always getting NEW email?


If so, I have the answer.....


***** Work  on your email from both ends! *****


FIRST:  Clear out the easiest NEW emails for a half hour..


THEN:  Sort your email showing oldest first!  (usually by clicking the date column) and then work from the bottom for a 1/2 hour.


Rinse.. Repeat.. (Just kidding)


It works really well for me.  This method will assure you don't neglect items in your inbox that require more "time" or "thought" because you are always flooded with brand new email messages.


I hope you find this tip useful!


Have a great weekend!


Shane Merem

Web Design and E-commerce Development

Brian says:
September 12th, 2008 at 5:29 pm   starstarstarstarstar      

Or you can be like me and handle them as they come in. That way you are never behind. :)


Shane Merem says:
September 12th, 2008 at 6:00 pm   starstarstarstarstar      
Yeah. But the rest of us are mere mortals....
Jerry says:
September 12th, 2008 at 6:57 pm   starstarstarstarstar      

Here are a couple cool tips if you use Outlook to funnel all your emails to one account:


Deleting email in mass - hold the shift key down and highlight the first email that you want to delete - then scroll to the last one that you want to delete and highlight it - then delete


Also did you know you can read an email without even opening it? 

Choose the email you want to check, right click, choose properties, click the details tab, click the message button and you can see  info about where the email came from and it's contents.

Leeli says:
September 12th, 2008 at 9:17 pm   starstarstarstarstar      

I do worry about email. My site will have so much feedback and questions~ I may end up a lot of email, more than I can handle (cross your fingers for me- i sure hope my box will over flow-eth?) so I was thinking of hiring a local company that handles emails for little companies like mine if the volume ever grew past ~ hummm - well


Has anyone else heard of such a service or better yet? Tried it?

Tom says:
September 15th, 2008 at 2:04 pm   starstarstarstarstar      



Good tips - why don't you post a copy of this to the blog section on my site



Tom Lynch

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