See how we help you have an advantage in the search engines
January 19th, 2018 at 3:37 pm   starstarstarstarstar      

We are your unfair advantage, here's another reason why:




I can summarize this whole post in 1 word. Speed.

But I want to offer you a more detailed explanation of how important speed is, and why we are the unfair advantage for your website vs your competition.


Google on many occasions has emphasized how they value speed and show preference to sites that load quickly. (this isn't new, it's been something they've announced and place more and more focus on in the past few years.  They announced yesterday that this is going to play an even bigger factor for mobile search queries than it had in the past (effective in July)

pagespeed as another ranking factor


What this is going to mean for you...


Well, if you are one of the thousands of WebsiteForge users that have a repsonsive website.. "It means your website is only going to see a better ranking than it has in the past!" According to Kevin Gannon, SEO expert for over 15 years and running.

Because users that haven't taken speed into account will be getting de-ranked or a worse ranking because of how slow their mobile pages load.


See what we do here at WebsiteForge is keep your site served super fast.  When we hit a certain load level on our cluster of servers, we UPGRADE the clusters.  Unlike the cheap hosts you find out there that try to load as many sites on their servers that they can hold we keep a higher standard for our clients.


Do you have questions about your website?  Feel free to contact us to discuss your website's performance.

*NOTE: This is not a boost in the rankings for being fast -- but rather a penalty for those who are not.  We speedtest every new website and responsive redesign.


Need more proof? 

See below here, is a client of ours that works really hard on their site.  In a speed test comparison with a HUGE competitor Wilton (you know the cake pan manufacturer...a GIANT in the industry)

Our client NOT ONLY out speed tests them...But also beats them in the search engines NATURALLY (not paid)

Comparison speed test

christmas cake pans search in Google

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