** New Feature ** Update to Layout builder. Add a background image.
October 30th, 2014 at 2:12 pm   starstarstarstarstar      

Hello WebsiteForge Users,


I wanted to tell you about a new feature that you have at your fingertips.  Its called the layout builder background image.


It can be used to put a border around products, categories, or even images in an Advacned Gallery.


First you will need to make, purchase or have a designer make the image you desire for this.  Once you have the image you can go to your layout builder for your E-Commerce Module's, Item list frame, or Advanced Category list frame.  Or the layout builder for your Image list and click on "Layout Settings".  Then Specify the image you wish to use for your layout background.  Be sure to save and preview before you publish.  So you know it will appear on the site.

Here are some examples of this being used currently:



Feel free to contact us in support if you would like assistance in getting this setup.

Karen says:
October 30th, 2014 at 2:23 pm   starstarstarstarstar      

This feature saved me time and money from having my images customized everytime I wanted to change out a Category image.  THANKS WF!

Brian Shockley says:
October 30th, 2014 at 2:56 pm   starstarstarstarstar      

What a really neat upgrade. Great work. Websiteforge rocks.

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