Forging Ahead - Website Forge Tech Tips - 8/9/2010
August 9th, 2010 at 10:03 am   starstarstarstarstar      

I have a real short blog post today.  Enjoy!

  • Are you a "skimmer"?
  • I wrote this on my iPad..
  • What do successful people have in common?
  • FREE unlimited Website Forge training classes


Are you a "skimmer"?
My wife says I am. Though I try not to admit it... I do catch myself reading an entire email in one glance. That certainly leaves plenty opportunity for me to miss important information.
It's definitely embarrassing when reply to a customer and theyhave to email me a second time saying "thanks for your fast reply but you didn't address my other two questions..."
I think my best suggestion is to wait until you have a full minute to give a proper reply. In our world of iPhones, iPads, Androids, and windows mobile phones....   We feel compelled to reply immediately to show commitment to our customers. That's great -- just try not to do it at the expense of a valuable reply.
I know those out there reading, know me personally, can cite at least one time where have made this mistake.... Believe me when I say I know I am just as guilty as anyone. I'm always making an effort to slow down.
I wrote this on my iPad in the car...
Yes right now I'm writing in the passenger seat on the way to visit family. Is the iPad just a large version of the iPod touch? YES! It is. In fact I was disappointed when I first tested Andy's iPad (VP of our core development team).
Then I tossed it in the car. Then I started replying to email real fast. Then realized I had not charged the iPad for the last 4 days and it still had plenty of battery. Then realized I could remotely connect to my desktop from anywhere. And on and on...
Bottom line, it's more convenient, more durable, cooler, and more efficient than a full sized laptop. I was not, and am not, an official "Mac fan" -- I AM a believer in my iPhone and iPad. I use them every day.
NOTE!! The hidden benefit is how an iPad can keep my kids occupied for hours at a time when you need a break!



What do successful people have in common?
Google it!  I did -- I'll save you the time.  The one thing you'll find in every single article or book is --  TENACITY!
That's right.  It's not brain power.  It's not education.  It's not money.
In fact many successful people are too dumb to realize they failed.  So they kept trying. 
"Successful people are too dumb to realize they failed"
- Successful people wake up every day ready to fight.
- Successful people don't make excuses when things don't go their way.
- Successful people often find very creative ways to solve a problem.
- Successful people may "fail" over and over again.  But don't see it as failure.
- Successful people eventually achieve what they want because they keep trying!
Don't buy the expensive books.  Google "what makes a person successful.." you'll see the same over and over.
FREE Unlimited Website Forge Training Classes!
I keep saying it and saying it.  I'll say it again.  Website Forge customers get FREE UNLIMITED LIVE TRAINING.  Take advantage and go to and sign up today!
Shane Merem
web site design and e-commerce
Note: I almost always sit down and write my blogs in one shot.  So it's very possible I don't catch every single typo.  I'd rather get more valuable information out there than stress over typos.  So don't beat me up too much over it :)
Kevin Brown says:
August 9th, 2010 at 10:56 am   starstarstarstarstar      

Shane, We Take Take out Ipads out to Write up our Service Repair  customers they love it !  it  saves us time we walk around the car talking to the customer asking questions the whole time writing the vehice up . P.S I love Your tips very helpful.


Thanks for taking the time .



Shane Merem says:
August 9th, 2010 at 2:07 pm   starstarstarstarstar      

Hey Kevin.  I ordered a from one of my customers. 


It's awesome.  It puts your iPad on your hand like a glove.  You can get all sorts of stands for it. 


AND it will make sure your mechanics don't drop it.


You need go get one!

Rick says:
August 9th, 2010 at 4:30 pm   starstarstarstarstar      



I love this stuff! I live with my Iphone everywhere I go.  It's awsum for my ecom. bus. when out and about  Been thinking about the IPad for same.  Also could work well when I'm out on the boat to stay in touch while enjoying my cruises.  The wife wants one too but I'm afraid I'll never get to use it then.  Good blogs!  Thanks



Tom Dana says:
August 16th, 2010 at 7:16 am   starstarstarstarstar      

Hi Shane:


Very informative blog thank you. I was thinking about purchasing a laptop for our upcoming launch of our web site in September however after reading the comments on the IPAD I might change my mind.Seems that when I am on the go I will be able to keep track of orders and customer inquiry. 


Also wanted to touch base and see if you have a final ETA on the new improved checkout program?




Tom & Nancy Dana

Shane Merem says:
August 16th, 2010 at 10:29 am   starstarstarstarstar      

Hi Tom and Nancy.  YES use the iPad.  For any browser function except flash video.  It works great.  It's light and lasts a LONG time on a charge.


You don't have to go crazy.  I use the simple 16GB wi-fi myself. 



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