Best ways to increase conversions on your Info or Service based website
February 12th, 2020 at 9:49 am   starstarstarstarstar      


1.  Blog...In our system when you blog you will add new and fresh content to your site(there are many ways this can be manifested on your website), you can also have your posts go to Facebook and Twitter.  Which will draw interest and traffic to your website.  On top of those ways it will also email your subscriber list.  This is one of the best FREE ways to let people know exactly what you offer and what your company is about, and how you are different than the competition!


2.  Keep your site up to date.  Life get's crazy, we understand that.  But often things change and you may forget to update your website with whatever schedule, contact info, services, etc may have changed. Maybe you are offering an alternate contact for sales or support?  Maybe you have adjusted some pricing on your services?  That info should be current on your site.  It's easy to do with our new builder! You can also submit a Remote Hands request to have that info updated as well.  Both fast and simple ways to keep your site current. 


3. Be sure all of your local info is accurate as well.  There are many ways to be seen online, using free services like Bing local, Yelp, and Google Maps is a really great way to be found.  Make sure that your contact, schedules, prices and misc info is added to Yelp, Bing, and Google Maps and is the most current info.  This is a really great way to be found.  Here is a more detailed article about those services.




Contact Kevin Gannon today if you wish to talk about more ways to increase conversions and other ways to market your website!

(248) 349- 6281

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