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Website Marketing Consultant

Business - (888) 558.2446 Ext. 1

Where are web site owners spending money?
July 29th, 2010 at 9:47 am   starstarstarstarstar      

Business web site owners are spending money in the following areas:


1) Paid Search 39%


2) Affiliate Marketing 13%


3) E-mail 11%


4) Comparison Shopping Engines 7%


5) Behavoral Targeting/Remarketing 7%


6) Traditional Portal Deals 7%


7) SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and Natural Search Methods 3%


8) Social Media 1%


9) All Others 12%



As I tell everyone, a very small amount of business owners are using SEO. They just don't understand the importance of SEO and how it can help them get their site to the top of the search engine or if they do understand it they don't want to pay for it.


With WebsiteForge SEO coding comes with every package. If you're not seeing the full benefit of it, call me!


Douglas A. Marks
Website Marketing Consultant
Website -
Business - (888) 558.2446  Ext. 208

Posted in Uncategorized by Doug Marks